One Step At A Time: Prostheses for Leg Amputees

Limbs International Inc., partners with Hands in Service Ministries and Manos Hermanas to supply and adapt leg prostheses for amputees, allowing them to become active and productive again.

Manos Hermanas adapted our first prostheses in July 2014 for Don Juan, a leg amputee begging on the street because he could not work.  Don Juan is now working again. An orthopedic surgeon directs the program and evaluates each patient.  Various patients have been referred from affiliated local outreach medical clinics, family garden workshops, other outreach programs, and by word of mouth, even from other States. 

Limbs International provided units of their prosthetic limb systems for the initial project and worked with us to request a grant for more units to continue the program.  Limbs sponsored a training course by Hartford University School of Physical Therapy for local physical therapists, and then another course with a bilingual physical therapist.  Area therapists learned how to rehabilitate leg amputees, as few had received any training for working with them.  Why?  Leg amputees who can scarcely afford food and shelter could rarely save enough for the prohibitive cost of the available functional leg / knee prostheses. 

 We evaluate each family to determine their situation and how much they would be able to help with the costs of the socket and rehab.  A local prosthesis technician builds their sockets with a discounted fee.  We also provide counseling for each patient to help with needed emotional rehabilitation.

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| January 7, 2022